Select Text or Value From DropDownList Extension Method

Here is a cool way to select an item from the DropDownList using it's value.

ddlCountries.Items.FindByValue(value).Selected = true;

However I keep forgetting how to do it and end up spending ages searching for it, so here is a very usefull extension method that allows you to select an item from a DropDownList using the text or value of the item without needing to know the index of the item.

using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace Core.ExtensionMethods
    public class GenericDropDownListException : Exception, ISerializable
        public GenericDropDownListException(string type, string value) : 
            base(string.Format("Unable to set  \"{0}\" to {1}", type, value)) { }

    public static class DropDownListExt
        public static void SelectValue(this DropDownList bob, string value)
                if (bob.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                    bob.Items[bob.SelectedIndex].Selected = false;
                bob.Items.FindByValue(value).Selected = true;
                throw new GenericDropDownListException("value", value);

        public static void SelectText(this DropDownList bob, string text)
                if (bob.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                    bob.Items[bob.SelectedIndex].Selected = false;
                bob.Items.FindByText(text).Selected = true;
                throw new GenericDropDownListException("value", text);

Now all you need to do to select an item from the DropDownList is:

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